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Real estate estimate

Estimate your property on the French Riviera using our online tool or request a detailed appraisal from one of our real estate advisors.

Our job is to satisfy your needs and expectations and answer your demands. We can do it thanks to our team of professional real estate agents through our 8 agencies located between Nice Côte d’Azur and Menton.

You can entrust your project to us, we will do everything we can to concretize it as soon as possible. Our first mission consists in the listening and the understanding of your motivations, then we will define the outlines of your project in order to suggest an approach, a method and actions that will help you concretize your project in the best conditions possible.

Give you another point of view, without bias and with competent advices from a real professional at your side.

Accurate estimate of your property
: we will bring you our knowledge of the market and our professional and precise price valuation tools based on properties that have been sold in your area, the matching properties on the market and the expectations of the buyers.

Constant comparison
analyse of the competitors, the market and its dynamic.

Legal and financial advices
: we will enlighten you about tax components and notarial estate approach, renovation work, joint-ownership, administration and town planning. We will also draw your attention on potential difficulties your project may encounter, to help you avoid bad surprises.


Use the tool below to get an initial idea of your property's value. However, for a much more precise and detailed estimate, we invite you to contact our team. It's quick and completely free.

Palais Immobilier 8 real estate agencies from Nice to Beaulieu

Palais Immobilier Prestige real estate agencies

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